Perhaps you’ve seen them pop up on your social media feed, or you’ve been searching for a solution to your tired eyes and sleeping troubles. People today spend more time in front of screens than ever before, and this makes it difficult to get proper sleep or even to maintain a healthy attitude all day long.
Once you know what the problem is, it might not be possible for you to quit screens cold turkey or even cut them out of most of your waking hours. So what do you do instead? Taking breaks every hour and resting your eyes before falling asleep can both help, but for many people, that’s not enough. That’s where blue light glasses come in!
Most people spend a good portion of their day in front of a computer. Often, their work comes home with them, too. One of the main reasons why screen time has become such a prominent issue is people are always looking at their phones. Then there are tablets and TVs and other screens that can all cause problems with sleeping or other eye issues.
All this compounded screen time has a negative impact, and this is why more people than ever are interested in taking steps to cut down on the issues. Being proactive, such as choosing computer blue light glasses, can help cut down on some of the negative aspects of looking at screens for so many hours per day.
Blue light is all around us, and not all of it is necessarily bad. Small amounts of blue light might not affect you at all. However, as society has changed to rely on a lot on knowledge work done over the computer or from a handheld device, blue light has become a more prominent feature in our lives, and sadly, so too have some of the health problems from it.
Not all blue light is bad. In fact, some blue light is good for you. But most people today are getting blue light in such high doses that it can even lead to some health problems.
Blue light rays have the shortest wavelengths and highest energy when they are violet or blue-violet in nature. Sunlight is the main source of blue light, and being outdoors is where most people are exposed to it at the highest level. But flat-screen televisions and LED lighting are other sources of blue light, too.
As humans, our eyes are not naturally good at blocking blue light. Nearly all visible blue light instead goes through the cornea and lens and even gets through to the retina of the human eye.
Blue light has an impact on the body’s circadian rhythm, the sleep cycle, and the natural way that people wake up. Over the course of the day, blue light can have a stimulant-like effect. Where many people run into problems is when they consume blue light. When it’s too close to bedtime, it might be too hard to fall asleep.
Melatonin, which helps you sleep, could be affected by exposure to blue light. In a recent study, the melatonin levels for study participants were compared across bright light, dim light, and bright light with tinted glasses. The bright light completely blocked the melatonin production for those people, which makes it much harder to fall asleep.
If you can, try to minimize your screen time for the few hours before you go to sleep. This alone can help to reduce some of the falling-asleep issues that plague many Americans. If you can’t put down your device, consider using one of the settings that reduces the blue light or makes it easier for you to absorb it.
Since blue light can go all the way through to the retina, lab studies have even shown that this can lead to serious issues like macular degeneration or eye strain. Many people even suffer from physical problems after just two hours of screen time. According to the Vision Council, the set of symptoms experienced can be described by the term digital eye strain. Many of the effects of blue light are still under research. Over the course of history, most people were only exposed to blue light from the sun. Too much sun-related ultraviolet light can lead to eye issues like cancer, growths on the eye itself, and cataracts.
Some of the symptoms of eye strain include dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, and neck and shoulder pain. If you’ve already begun experiencing any of these issues, you should certainly consider investing in computer blue light glasses to help you.
Blue light glasses are one of the easiest ways to address digital eye strain and to feel more comfortable behind the screen. This is particularly relevant for people who cannot otherwise adjust their screen-viewing habits. If your job requires a lot of computer work, you don’t have to compromise- get blue light glasses to use while looking at your computer. While you’ll get the best results wearing your computer blue light glasses anytime you’re in front of a screen, including your phone, even wearing them just in front of the computer can have great impacts on your overall health and ability to fall asleep at night.
According to research, nearly 70 percent of Americans did not know that protective eyewear could help with some of the symptoms of digital eye strain. Many people think it will be too expensive to invest in this eye protection, don’t know just how much it can help them, or don’t think it’s necessary.
Falling for any or all of these myths, however, could block you from getting the help you need with your vision. Blue light glasses work by increasing contrast. This is a great and inexpensive solution to maintain optimal eye health. Now might be a great time for you to use computer blue light glasses as both a fashion statement and eye protection.
Even if you use blue light glasses, it’s a good idea to schedule in regular breaks from your screens and computers. This helps you refresh your eyes and also take a break from typing or other sitting activities that can lead to their own health problems. It’s also a great wake-up call about how much time you’re truly spending on work. Becoming more aware of how often you’re involved in working with screens might help you be more mindful about how you interact with technology and implement cutbacks where you can.
Most people who want to buy computer blue light glasses recognize the benefits of blue light blockers, but also want to match style with function. Thankfully, you can accomplish both with the right pair!
Even looking online, you can find a great pair of computer blue light glasses that suits your personal aesthetic and help to block some of the harmful blue light that can impact you during the day as well as at night.
If you’ve never bought glasses before, check out our articles about how to use your eye color, eye shape, and face shape to pick the right blue light glasses for you. Consider what colors might look nice with your skin tone and your hair color, too, so that you can feel confident in your selection.
While many prescription eyeglasses can indeed be costly, that’s not the case with blue light glasses. You can get no-prescription computer blue light glasses for a fraction of the cost and gain all the benefits of using these glasses on a regular basis. So many different styles are available online that it’s easy to find a pair that suits you while giving you all the advantages of blocking blue light.
Get an extra pair or two to store around your house- you’ll be surprised at how quickly you become adjusted to the blue light glasses and how strongly you notice a difference when you misplace your glasses or leave them behind on a trip! Storing a pair at your workplace decreases the chance of losing them, and you can keep a spare pair at home for other use.
You might be curious about whether or not you’d get enough out of wearing blue light glasses to make it worth it. This quick quiz can help you make a choice that’s right for you!
You might need blue light glasses if:
• You spend more than five hours a day looking at a screen
• You often feel like your eyes are tired at the end of the day
• You have trouble falling asleep at night, but often use your personal devices close to bedtime
• You’re currently putting in a lot of hours at work or at home doing research
• You find it hard to focus at the end of the day or notice that your eyes are either dry or watery after plenty of screen time
Get your first pair of blue light glasses today and discover just how easy it is to work behind the computer or phone screen without any of the usual eye strain downsides.